Pension Certification

Pension Certification
We are pleased to announce that with immediate effect we are able to offer assistance with certification of pension schemes. This is something that a few clients have previously requested, and we have therefore made the decision to begin doing this as part of our additional services we offer.
Under the automatic enrolment regulations, the statutory minimum requirements for pension contributions are:
- Total minimum contribution of 8% with at least 3% of this being contributed by the employer
- Contributions are to be based on all earnings between £6240 and £50268 per year (£520 and £4189 per month) - this includes all elements of pay.
Where a pension scheme is setup in an alternative method than the bullet points above, the Pension Regulator allows employers to self-certify that they meet the alternative quality requirements. This is done by stating that the scheme complies with one of the below sets:
- Set 1 A total minimum contribution of at least 9% of pensionable pay (at least 4% of which must be the employer’s contribution), or
- Set 2 A total minimum contribution of at least 8% of pensionable pay (at least 3% of which must be the employer’s contribution), provided that pensionable pay constitutes at least 85% of earnings (the ratio of pensionable pay to earnings can be calculated as an average at scheme level), or
- Set 3 A total minimum contribution of at least 7% of earnings (at least 3% of which must be the employer’s contribution) provided that all earnings are pensionable.
The certification process is a repeating process which needs to be done at least every 18 months. The process involves running calculations to ensure that contributions meet the requirements of your chosen “set” and if necessary, correcting any discrepancies. Once completed you must produce a certificate which you keep on record to state that you certify this has been included. This must be provided to the Pension Regulator or any Employees if they request this.
Over the coming months, we will be contacting all clients whose pension is not setup on the statutory minimum requirements to discuss whether they need assistance with this process.
Please see the below links for more information: